How I recharge depends on the type of energy drain.

The first type of energy drain is physical expenditure.  This varies from day to day and can range from knocking around the house to an intense workout at the gym.  My favorite and most fun energy drainers are the Adaptive Motion Trainer at the YMCA, INSANITY, and P90X.  Recharging is as simple as a huge bottle of water or PowerAde, some awesome post-workout food, and a good multivitamin.

The second energy drainer comes in the form of ordinary day to day life stressors.   These can range from household responsibilities and chores to human interactions with cohabiters.  Playing Angry Birds, screwing off on the computer, and a good old nap can re-energize one in a very short time.

The last energy drainer for me is negative people that hover like a mega dark storm cloud that pours its self perpetuating ugliness all over life. I imagine every family has one.  No matter how hard they start out trying to be positive, it always turns to poor me, pitiful situation, and financial desperation, just to name a few.  As much as I love them, it takes major psychological energy to muster up the courage to engage in any interaction.  This is the most difficult drainage to recover from.  For me, a couple of beers, more Angry Birds, and a snack (chocolate related) are a good start.

At the end of the day, crawling into those flannel sheets for a good night’s sleep is the best solution for a full recharge.

Until next time…

2 thoughts on “Recharge Me!

  1. May you have many many sessions of Angry Birds, Insanity, and P90X! But I hope I’m not the one who stresses you out to get you to pay. Good post.

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